Business Plan Template

Below is a business plan template that VantageOne has created specifically for our prospective and existing members. Other business plans are complicated and lengthy – that’s why we condensed our planning template down to only 10 pages. This tool is great for business start-ups and expansions and is commonly requested by lenders for credit applications.

Check out our Business Plan Template Here!

Use this plan to put all your creative ideas and goals in writing. It can be referred to and revamped at any point in your business planning cycle.

Tip: Remember that business plans aren’t “set in stone” they need to grow and change and remain flexible, just like your business when it comes to market change. Being adaptable is one of the best qualities a successful business owner can have and having a plan in place will help you navigate future change. So once you have a plan in place, make sure to review it annually to ensure it still meets your needs and goals.