Meet Our Advisors

Everyone has their own definition of what makes them happy. For some that may be spending time with family at the cottage, for others it’s tinkering with that hobby project or being physically active every day. These definitions may differ, but a key piece of the puzzle for all of us is financial security.

While money isn’t everything, all these things rely on the power of financial independence and the ability to make decisions about lifestyle and goals based on what you want to do, rather than restricted by what you can afford to do.

Our team of professionals are here to give you a strong, local, financial voice and help you with the money choices needed to build the life you really want!

It all starts with a conversation…Let’s get started today!

Colin Karpowich

Colin Karpowich

Financial Planner* CFP®, CPCA®, EPC, BTh (Hons)
Todd Benson

Todd Benson

Financial Planner* CFP®, BA Psychology
Taylor Belanger

Taylor Belanger

Financial Planner* CFP®, BMgt (Hons)
Ian Paulson

Ian Paulson

Financial Planner*, BComm, RRC
Worldsource Financial Management Inc
Wealth Services Manager, VantageOne Financial Corp..
Terry Robertson

Terry Robertson

Vice President of Wealth Management CFP®

Meet the Financial Team

Our advisors are based out of our new office in North Vernon. Connect with us by phone, email, or in-person.

VantageOne Financial Corp
5300 26 Street, Vernon, BC
Phone: 250-260-4513
Toll Free: 888-339-8328
Fax: 250-260-4519
Google Directions

*Mutual Funds and Segregated Funds are offered through Worldsource Financial Management Inc. Other Products and Services are offered through VantageOne Financial Corp. Worldsource Financial Management Inc. is responsible only for mutual fund-related business activities conducted by its Registrants and is not responsible for any other business interests and activities undertaken by its Registrants or by VantageOne Credit Union/VantageOne Financial Corp.