VantageOne Credit Union is pleased to declare dividends and patronage through our “Good Neighbour Rewards” totalling $557,000 for eligible members.

“As a member-owned financial institution, our primary focus is always on delivering value to our members,” said Glenn Benischek, CEO of VantageOne Credit Union. “Returning a portion of our profits to members demonstrates our commitment to shared prosperity and community reinvestment while continuing to strengthen our position as a trusted financial partner in the communities we serve.”

VantageOne Credit Union remains steadfast in its commitment to providing competitive financial products and services while upholding the cooperative values that define our identity.

We believe in the power of cooperative banking to empower the financial well-being of individuals and communities,” added Mr. Benischek. “These dividends and patronage rebates are a tangible expression of our cooperative principles in action, reinforcing the mutual benefits of membership in our credit union.”

The “Good Neighbour Rewards” will be deposited in member’s accounts starting on June 25.
Questions? or want to learn more: contact us.

Not a member yet?
Where you bank matters, learn more about the benefits of joining VantageOne Credit Union here.

What is it?

Transactional 2FA is an additional layer of security that will help your money safe from online fraud by requiring an additional 2FA code when performing high risk transactions within online banking.

Some members share computers, use public wifi, give their passwords to family or forget to log out of their banking sessions, transactional 2FA will help protect our members in these instances when their accounts are vulnerable.


Online fraud is not going away and it is becoming more advanced, helping keep our members money safe and secure is our first priority!

Please contact us for more information

UNLOCK THE DOOR….with our limited time offer!

Collabria has recently identified a suspicious website which appears to be a phishing site designed to capture Collabria cardholder details.
Collabria is working to address this risk and mitigate any potential harm to cardholders; however, please remain diligent in safeguarding yourself when online!

Please take the following actions:
1. Please exercise caution when providing your Collabria credit card details online.
2. Please review your credit card statements for any suspicious activity and promptly report any unauthorized transactions to Collabria.
3. Please only access the official Collabria websites and applications when managing your credit card accounts or submitting an application, and to avoid clicking on links from unknown sources.
The following are the only official Collabria websites and applications:

Thank you!

Welcome to the First Quarterly Newsletter from VantageOne Commercial Services!

Thank You to all of our Members for your feedback through our Commercial Survey this past Fall. We listened to what you suggested, and this is the 1st Newsletter to come to you with helpful tips and industry news.

The newsletter will be delivered by email and made available here on our website. If you are not currently signed up with your email and would like to be, please connect with our Commercial Services Team here to have your email updated.

4th Quarter

Happy Holidays & Commercial Member Survey (December 2024)
Read the Newsletter Here

3rd Quarter (October 2024)
Read the Newsletter Here

2nd Quarter (May 2024)
Read the Newsletter Here

1st Quarter (January 2024)
Read the Newsletter Here


A Better Banking Experience is Here!

Now Launched! February 6, 2024 – We are excited to announce our newly designed mobile app and online banking experience is launching soon!

As technology rapidly advances in the financial services industry, we remain committed to meeting the needs of our members by offering an amplified digital banking experience.

By implementing these upgrades, through collaboration with our digital technology partner Central 1 Credit Union,  we also increase VantageOne’s ability to implement future enhancements to improve your banking experience.

Our new Online Banking and Mobile App will offer increased speed and stability, giving you fast and reliable services however you choose to do your banking. And the fresh and modern look will translate into a more intuitive, user-friendly experience!


On November 23rd, all VantageOne locations & Solutions Centre will close early for a Staff Meeting and Learning Event.

  • Vernon Main (downtown) – Closed at 12:00 noon
  • Armstrong – Closed at 12:00 noon
  • Commercial Centre & VantageOne Financial – Closed at 12:00 noon
  • Solutions Centre – Closed at 11:30 am
  • Peachland – Closed for the day

VantageOne is committed to developing well-trained and knowledgeable staff to serve our members. Thank you for your understanding!

Our online banking and mobile app are available 24/7.


The 2025 VantageOne Credit Union Annual General will be held on:

Wednesday, May 21, 2025 @ 7:00 pm
at the Prestige Hotel
4411 32nd Street, Vernon

Registration begins at 6:30 pm

Every year we invite Members to attend our Annual General Meeting in order meet with their Board of Directors and review the financial highlights from the previous year. This is a great opportunity to engage with and ask questions directly to your board, as well as to learn more about VantageOne Credit Union.

Procedures for our AGM and the meeting link will be shared soon along with the 2024 Annual Report.

All members are invited to attend!

Are you a community-minded business leader ready to make a meaningful impact? Do you have experience leading a business? Do you share our vision for empowering members and shaping the future of our credit union? We want to hear from you!

Nominations are invited to fill three (3) vacancies on VantageOne Credit Union’s board of directors. Three (3) directors will serve 3-year terms, ending in 2028. As we look to strengthen our board, we are seeking engaged, passionate individuals who are dedicated to building a brighter future for our members.

Why Should You Get Involved?
Develop Your Leadership Skills: Gain valuable experience that can open doors to other roles and opportunities in your career.
Connect with Like-minded Individuals: Build relationships with other engaged community members who share your passion for making a difference.
Create Lasting Impact: Play a key role in guiding the direction of our credit union and enhancing our ability to serve our members.
Grow Professionally: Receive training and opportunities that will equip you for future leadership opportunities on other boards, committees or in the not-for-profit sector.

To be eligible, candidates must be nominated by three (3) members or by the Nominating Committee. They also must be members, other than junior members, in good standing, at least twelve (12) months prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting, which is to be held on May 21, 2025.

Written nominations for the positions must be received no later than 3:00 pm, Friday, January 24, 2025. Nominations can be picked up at any VOCU branch or printed off here: 2025 Nominations Package

Submit your nomination today and play a vital role in shaping a credit union that supports and empowers our entire community!

NEW – Watch one of the talented authors, Kristine Lidstone on Global Morning News!

Improving Financial Ability and overall literacy is a core value of VantageOne Credit Union and at the centre of everything we do for our members, staff and communities on a daily basis. Our BOO$T Financial Ability program in the community focuses on increasing the financial knowledge base of all ages from Kindergarten through to seniors.

Starting with a focus on families and our youngest members, VantageOne is excited to announce the creation of a brand new book by two of our outstanding employees Kristine Lidstone, Financial Ability Liaison and Kirsten Regel, Vice President of Marketing.

About the Book
Loonie and Toonie each want a new bike, but they don’t have enough money. Good thing Cashman and Supersaver are here! Supersaver likes to save her money up, while Cashman chooses to spend his. Can Loonie and Toonie earn enough for new bikes with the help of the superheroes? Using familiar scenarios and timeless characters, The Adventures of Cashman and Supersaver introduces children to the basic financial concepts of earning, spending and saving. Kids can practice what they have learned with interactive fun learning worksheets! Read a recent news article featuring the book here.

Portions of the sale of these books will go towards our Financial Ability BOO$T Program so we can help improve Financial Literacy in our communities. The book is also available for purchase online on Friesen Press, Chapters/Indigo, and Amazon.

About the BOO$t Kids Club & Account
Starting on November 7, 2023 – Kids can open a bank account and once they reach their first savings goal of $50, they will receive The Adventures of Cashman and Supersaver book, a piggy bank and a welcome package. Using the lessons from the book, the more kids save, the more unique prizes they can earn along the way! Visit us in branch to open up a BOO$T account for your child. Note: if you are a current member, this program includes you too, so stop in and see us to find out how!

About the Authors
Kristine and Kirsten are local Moms with a combined 50+ years of experience in the financial industry.
“We are so excited to share our book with you and your family. We came up with this idea a few years ago. We wanted to do something that would have a big impact on children and their knowledge of Financial Literacy. We decided to write a children’s book using characters that were timeless, that’s where the superheroes came into play! I told the story in my elementary school presentations and received feedback from the kids and the teachers saying that these were relatable characters and had brought up more conversations about money. “I am like Supersaver ”or “I love Toonie and Loonie” were just a couple of the comments I was hearing,” said Kristine Lidstone.

“We included our children and Kristine’s grandchildren along the way who had great suggestions and input into the book and the fun worksheets in the back. So you can truly say this book is ”Kid-Approved”! said Kirsten Regel.”
We want kids to love the characters, understand the messages, and for the adults in their lives to feel comfortable and supported in having these important conversations about money early on.”

Learn more about our authors here:

Kristine Lidstone, Financial Ability Liaison and Kirsten Regel, Vice President of Marketing

Thank You

We were fortunate to have the support of our employer, VantageOne Credit Union, the Board of Directors, CEO, Management and staff. Everyone has been supportive from day one and we appreciate their input and guidance along the way that helped us create and launch this book. Stay tuned for future books in our series, coming soon!

– Kristine & Kirsten