NEW – Watch one of the talented authors, Kristine Lidstone on Global Morning News!
Improving Financial Ability and overall literacy is a core value of VantageOne Credit Union and at the centre of everything we do for our members, staff and communities on a daily basis. Our BOO$T Financial Ability program in the community focuses on increasing the financial knowledge base of all ages from Kindergarten through to seniors.
Starting with a focus on families and our youngest members, VantageOne is excited to announce the creation of a brand new book by two of our outstanding employees Kristine Lidstone, Financial Ability Liaison and Kirsten Regel, Vice President of Marketing.
About the Book
Loonie and Toonie each want a new bike, but they don’t have enough money. Good thing Cashman and Supersaver are here! Supersaver likes to save her money up, while Cashman chooses to spend his. Can Loonie and Toonie earn enough for new bikes with the help of the superheroes? Using familiar scenarios and timeless characters, The Adventures of Cashman and Supersaver introduces children to the basic financial concepts of earning, spending and saving. Kids can practice what they have learned with interactive fun learning worksheets! Read a recent news article featuring the book here.
Portions of the sale of these books will go towards our Financial Ability BOO$T Program so we can help improve Financial Literacy in our communities. The book is also available for purchase online on Friesen Press, Chapters/Indigo, and Amazon.
About the BOO$t Kids Club & Account
Starting on November 7, 2023 – Kids can open a bank account and once they reach their first savings goal of $50, they will receive The Adventures of Cashman and Supersaver book, a piggy bank and a welcome package. Using the lessons from the book, the more kids save, the more unique prizes they can earn along the way! Visit us in branch to open up a BOO$T account for your child. Note: if you are a current member, this program includes you too, so stop in and see us to find out how!
About the Authors
Kristine and Kirsten are local Moms with a combined 50+ years of experience in the financial industry.
“We are so excited to share our book with you and your family. We came up with this idea a few years ago. We wanted to do something that would have a big impact on children and their knowledge of Financial Literacy. We decided to write a children’s book using characters that were timeless, that’s where the superheroes came into play! I told the story in my elementary school presentations and received feedback from the kids and the teachers saying that these were relatable characters and had brought up more conversations about money. “I am like Supersaver ”or “I love Toonie and Loonie” were just a couple of the comments I was hearing,” said Kristine Lidstone.
“We included our children and Kristine’s grandchildren along the way who had great suggestions and input into the book and the fun worksheets in the back. So you can truly say this book is ”Kid-Approved”! said Kirsten Regel.”
We want kids to love the characters, understand the messages, and for the adults in their lives to feel comfortable and supported in having these important conversations about money early on.”
Learn more about our authors here:
Kristine Lidstone, Financial Ability Liaison and Kirsten Regel, Vice President of Marketing
Thank You
We were fortunate to have the support of our employer, VantageOne Credit Union, the Board of Directors, CEO, Management and staff. Everyone has been supportive from day one and we appreciate their input and guidance along the way that helped us create and launch this book. Stay tuned for future books in our series, coming soon!
– Kristine & Kirsten